Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Yesterday i heard a song 'regulate' by warren g is plyin' on the small tv on the gym and the day before i thought of doing some changes in my daily routines and now i'm about to do it. yeah, there are about 12 days before exams started. here's the changes that i guess will make my study going better-

1. sleep at 1am and wake up up at 6am, tido once a day,jgn lbh.
pros -can perform subuh prayer dgn niat adaan bkn qada' lg.
-fresh! bangga bgn awal will make my day.
-rezeki dtg time awal pagi, so, just go for it!

2. gym only once in 3 days
pros - let my muscles rest, use it for study and not chatting,ok.
- avoid get exhausted, this one trjadi kalo buat hardcore nyer.
-bg chance kat member laen work out!haha.

3. drink air paip byk, don't add sugar and flava to it.
pros - this one keeps my mind relax and cool, gud for study.
- jimat la bro. skrang mcm dh broke je,haha.

4. cook for lunch + dinner,
pros - avoid wasting time in kicthen, go study!

5. stop listen to jiwang + songs
pros - not good for your health.
- boss playa got nothing to do with it, forget and forgive, easy.
-thing's will never change, just deal with the fact.
- baik dgr lagu raps- awesome source of energy.

6. pkl 5-6pm for sports!
pros - mingle around, awek pun dpt, peluh pun dpt, free lg.
- atlet mane bleh tak brsukan, yeah, eager to do some ball hittin'.

That's pretty much all i guess, really hope this will help me catchin' up and to pull off for the exam. gud luck to myself and you.