Saturday, January 16, 2010

Rise and Shine 2010

It’s time to shake hands with 2010 and welcoming the new decade. Definitely it’s time to create more glories. I expect my life to be busier than 2009 while seeking for more great opportunities and gud things to come along. Hopefully, this is a year of every gud and positive words anyone can think of. ‘Rise and Shine’, yeah it’s the theme for myself this year (never had one before..), the time to keep you people’s head up and eyes open. The arrival of 2010 also signals me for a new change in the way I live, speak and dress, eventhough the change might not be too significant. People might know me as someone with a dishevelled hair and a baggy pant. Oh well, I’ll change my hairstyle and liberate some of the funky xl, teen ish shirts which are spilling out of my closet and in the meantime will have a slamming update on my wardrobe. Topman ish will do the trick. Ok, for about one year living in New Zealand, there’s so much I learned and faced. Beneath the harmony surface, certain shifts and frictions occurred sometimes. It’s undeniable that there were few uncountable times where I’m grappling with my emotions due to my simple mistakes, unsatisfied and discontented act by few people around, inexplicitly said. Anyway, calls were made and most of it greatly solved,cool! Frankly speaking, I set my mind to be playful and relax to compensate the hectic life of 2008 and fortunately I didn’t neglected my occupation to study and strikes ok grades even I usta skipped classes esp in the morning, averagely 3-4 hours a week on last sem, diss to my bad habit of oversleeping. Anyway, what I can say is that I’m on the right track, thanks Allah for blessing me and always giving me chances and opportunities to success in this land of kiwi, Alhamdulilah. I’ll be more systematic and responsible. It was a great year 2009 and I bet 2010 could be better, Insyaallah.

here's the plan,

1) education
-have a planner and jot down every details on it so that i'll be more organised. (2009 free planner left blank,didn't use it.)
-buy all the necessary textbooks,secondhand will do. (2009, i took 7 subject but bought only 2 books, the rest i borrowed sometimes which at last cost me 25 dollar fined.)
-start hittin' my foot in the library and make it like my sec. crib. (sec. sem 2009, only 5 times studied there.)
-do more disscussions with mates, someone of my kind -be my guest. (2009,basically,I studied alone coz it's already study week and i really don't have much time.)
-first thing first, no delay, no procrastine, reply text on time. (2009, the way i treat time is quite appaling.)

2) social
-make more friends, keep in contact.
-join a tennis club and keep active, gym too.
-minimize time online, go outdoor, live life better.
-get hook up in islamic acts more frequent.
-take care belongings carefully and control expenditure wisely.

random pixs of 2009,

Let’s put some hope and turn it into reality.

Just Forreal,
Zairi Zazli