Tuesday, May 31, 2011


2011, i'm lost, i don't know what i'm doing, i got cheated, i lost my money, my friend ditch me, i miss home, my back neck in pain, i cried more than i laugh, i'm not enjoying my life, i barely go to class, i got bad test result....

i turn to think not to give a fuk to anyone, people are just so untrue, the only people i trust is my family, i love all of you. i see my bros and sis all having a great life, i'm proud of them and i miss you guys. i miss pouring out my problems to my mum personally. last time, i told her that i'm not enjoying my life here coz i feel not belong here. most people look up for me when they need me, i cried when my mate next door about to go back to malaysia last 2 months but this 2 months he's too busy with his life,where i'm not a part of it,haha, fuk you! i miss myself last year, i feel last year was great, i miss smiling all the time till at one time there's sumone ask me can't you stop smiling,hahah! yeah, people, life sucks and things change.

the only that caught my attention now is photography, i wanna portrait the emptiness of me through all the shutters crack and i believe this could release all the pressures hold.

till next time.